The Secret to Emotional Wellness
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels I was confronted by a monk a few months ago with the strangest and most intriguing idea. Give your fear, anxiety, and pain a name...then befriend it. …
An Insider Look at Living with Anxiety
Photo by Ike louie Natividad from Pexels Anxiety is a worldwide leading mental health disorder. (1) With the World Health Organization estimating 264 million people living with an anxiety disorder. (2) So why…
5 Unexpected Benefits of Hot Yoga: Science-Backed Mental Health Facts
At first, hot yoga sounds like a bad joke. Rooms that are up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit with yoga instructors sending you into 143 chaturanga before "resting" in down dog.…
Living Holistically to Manage Mental Health
Photo by Miguel Constantin Montes from Pexels There is no "one answer" to managing mental health. Instead, the answer lies in living holistically and tending to all parts that make us human. Let's…
9 Mindfulness Exercises & Activities for Adults
9 Simple Mindfulness Activities for Adults I never understood how lost in thought I was until I learned how to be mindful. Mindfulness is the state of being aware without…
Finding an Anxiety Therapist That’s Right for You
Finding an Anxiety Therapist That’s Right for You Finding a therapist is a daunting task. Where to begin? What to look for? Matters may become even more confusing if you…
How to Implement a Daily Meditation Habit
Image by Binja69 from Pixabay Meditation can be uncomfortable. Just like physical exercise is challenging for the body, meditation is challenging for the mind. Sitting down to meditate while remaining…
Why Sleep is Critical for Productivity and Mental Health
The modern-day grind leaves no room for sleep. Who needs it anyway? We have coffee to keep us as productive as we need to be, right? Wrong. Sleep does a…
Is Caffeine Contributing to Your Anxiety?
Photo by from Pexels But first, coffee. If you are one of 64% of US citizens, you start your day with a big ole' cup of coffee. (11) Whatever - caffeine is…